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Casa Ana - Flamenco Theatre - Tablao

Photos of Casa Ana - Flamenco Theatre - Tablao. 
Photos of Casa Ana - Flamenco Theatre - Tablao. 

Casa Ana is a cultural and creative flamenco space in Granada.


Casa Ana is a place to experience flamenco at first hand with shows as well as with dance, singing and guitar master classes for all levels. So it is designed for the enjoyment of established artists and for flamenco, a World Heritage Site, to be experienced by newcomers as well.


In a cosy and intimate atmosphere, Casa Ana is special and different because it unites elegance, artistic discipline, compás, soniquete, art, race, passion, sensations, etc. in its own large space, which will make you feel the need to learn and express flamenco.


The director of Casa Ana is José Núñez, a dancer from Cádiz with more than twenty years of experience in the world of flamenco. He has combined his experience in tablaos and theatres all over the world to offer a show of the highest quality in Granada.


Practical information

  • Capacity: 80



Calle Cárcel Alta, 7


View map

Book your flamenco show

Casa Ana: Flamenco show in the centre of Granada

★★★★★4.8 / 5

71 reviews

From 20.00 €
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