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Book a flamenco show

Emblematic spaces that celebrate the rich tradition of flamenco, combining gastronomy and live performances.

Cozy spaces where live flamenco is enjoyed, offering a unique experience that combines art and culture.

Epicenter of flamenco culture, where the soul of this passionate Andalusian tradition is experienced in an intimate and vibrant atmosphere.

Barcelona is a flamenco epicenter, where tablaos and stages offer high-quality shows that blend tradition and avant-garde in a vibrant cultural experience.

Malaga's tablaos offer thrilling and authentic flamenco experiences in an intimate and welcoming atmosphere.

Córdoba's flamenco tablaos provide a unique experience in a historical and cultural setting.

Tablaos and flamenco shows in Huelva provide an authentic experience of the rich Andalusian culture.

Glossary of flamenco

“Zambra mora” . Typical dance of gypsies in Granada and Almería. It is still danced for tourists in Sacromonte neighbourhood and caves of Almeria.

To find out more, see our flamenco glossary

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