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Palacio del Flamenco of Barcelona

Photos of Palacio del Flamenco of Barcelona. 
Photos of Palacio del Flamenco of Barcelona. 

Palacio del Flamenco is located in an old theater in the center of Barcelona. After the restoration of the theater in 2006, the Palacio del Flamenco opened again to offer the best flamenco shows in a luxurious space with a long history both artistic and social.


Thanks to a capacity of 380 people, guests will enjoy our exciting show and dinner with maximum comfort. We also offer an auditorium-dining area and an entrance hall for events.


Its cuisine is of the highest quality, supported by the good work of the group Beltxenea Catering, with more than 25 years of experience.


Our group of artists, dancers, guitars, singers and musicians presents an amazing scenic and musical setting. With passion and strength, they take guests on a journey through different flamenco genres. Guests will live a great flamenco evening in an exceptional setting stage.


Practical Information

  • Capacity: 380
  • Disabled people's access: Yes



Carrer de Balmes, 139



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Glossary of flamenco

Nana is a flamenco style which was inspired by most popular version of sleeping children songs.

Guajira is a flamenco style which comes from a Latin American genre. Cuban "tonadas" derived into a flamenco style.

Cantiñas is a group of “palos” flamencos which are characteristic of Cadiz, los Puertos and Jerez de la Frontera.

Colombiana is a flamenco style created by Pepe Marchena in 1931. The rhythm has influenced by Cuban music.

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