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La Bodega Flamenca de Casa Camarón

Photos of La Bodega Flamenca de Casa Camarón. 
Photos of La Bodega Flamenca de Casa Camarón. 

La Bodega Flamenca de Casa Camarón is located just five minutes from Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. A unique venue, where art, culture and gastronomy merge. A meeting point for flamenco lovers and artists.


A welcoming tablao with a large dinning area and a great stage to enjoy the best flamenco show. A traditional atmosphere and excellent acoustics are perfect ingredients to enjoy an unforgettable flamenco evening.


They offer a wide selection of tapas based on the traditional Andalusian cuisine, which is a premium gastronomic experience.


In short, it's all about a very special tablao. Guests can also enjoy a exhibition dedicated to the artistic career of Camarón de la Isla and other great artists, who were relevant in his life.


Practical Information

  • Capacity: 185
  • Disabled people's access: Yes



Carrer de Roger de Flor, 230


View map

Glossary of flamenco

Campanilleros is a flamenco style which is based on a traditional Andalusian song: "Campanilleros”.

"zapateado" as palo flamenco belonging of the polyrhythmic groupo. Its main feature is the primary use of tap-dance as percussion.

Information about "serranas". It is a flamenco style from Ronda (Malaga), a kind of rural song typical of Andalusian folklore.

Granaína or granadina is a flamenco style that derives from “fandangos”. It is usually included in “malagueños” styles with origin in "verdiales".

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