“Cartagenera” is a “palo” of flamenco typical of "Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Union". Its development took place in the 19th century, thanks to the large migrations from Andalusia (Almeria mostly).
“Cantes minero-levantinos” emerged from the singings which came from Andalusian workers (“malagueña”, “Taranto”from Almería and “granaína”) and had some contact with local “fandangos”.
“Cartagenera” is divided into four or five eight-syllable verses. Its "aflamencamiento" (performance in flamenco style) comes from local “fandangos” which already existed in the 18th century, but their topics were not related to mining issues.
The most outstanding performers were Pencho Cros, Encarnación Fernández, Antonio Piñana, José Sorroche and Fosforito.